The State of Student Mental Health

According to the annual Healthy Minds Study (HMS)  (, in 2021 more than 80% of students reported that emotional or mental health difficulties hurt their academic performance one or more days in the previous month. Forty-one percent of college students screened positive for major to moderate depression. A third screened positive for anxiety.

Additionally, 2020 data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that
suicide risk is highest for adults ages 18 to 25. This is all very concerning. Fortunately, there are things that college communities can do to support students and create a culture of care.

Below is a recent report from The Jed Foundation specific to this topic. While the title of the document is specific to faculty, strategies outlined can be implemented by staff and faculty.

JED-Higher-Education-Supporting Student Mental Health (2022)


WINAHEAD is made up of representatives from thirty institutions. Our members are professionals employed by two- and four-year colleges and universities who work directly with students with disabilities to ensure equal access to higher education. WIN indicates the geographic area we represent: Western Iowa and Nebraska. AHEAD is our national parent organization, the Association on Higher Education and Disability.
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